Home News 17-Year-Old ‘Fish Bandit’ Arrested in Utah for Bizarre ATM Prank Involving Taped Fish

17-Year-Old ‘Fish Bandit’ Arrested in Utah for Bizarre ATM Prank Involving Taped Fish

by Quincy Thomas
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A 17-year-old Utah boy known as the “Fish Bandit” has found himself at the center of a juvenile criminal case following a series of bizarre pranks involving fish.

According to Fox 13, the teen, who remains unidentified, was apprehended last month in connection with a spree that lasted from August to November 2023.

Operating under the Instagram handle (@fish_bandit84), the teen documented his unconventional exploits, which included taping fish to various surfaces. The account’s bio humorously states, “Live, laugh, tape fish on ATMs – No fish were harmed in the process.”

The Fish Bandit’s antics included taping fish, both dead and alive, to ATMs, restroom doors, and even a police cruiser. Surprisingly, some pranks were claimed to have occurred internationally, in cities such as Phoenix, Guatemala City, Frankfurt, and Tokyo.

The mystery grows as the teen attaches slippery creatures to plastic screens and hard surfaces, perplexing authorities. Adding to the confusion, the Fish Bandit was discovered putting cigarettes in the mouths of some of the fish, raising questions about his motivations.

A video posted on September 1, 2023, showed a bleeding carp taped to a cash machine, with the caption, “We don’t do catch and release.” While it is unclear whether the stunts were motivated by politics or by the teen’s desire for laughs, the rising cleanup costs prompted authorities to launch a criminal investigation.

Law enforcement quickly tracked down the Fish Bandit via his Instagram account, which led to his arrest. The teen is now facing two misdemeanor counts of causing property damage, and the case has been referred to Utah Juvenile Justice and Youth Services.

Despite the legal consequences, calls to “free the Fish Bandit” reverberate across social media, highlighting the divisive nature of this unusual case that has left many perplexed.

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