“Blush” follows the journey of a stranded horticulturist-astronaut’s chances for survival after he crash lands on a desolate dwarf planet. When an ethereal visitor arrives, the once-lone traveler discovers the …
Talia M.
The as-yet-untitled new series from Sony Pictures Television is set at America’s only college for superheroes
New World, A Revolutionary New Unscripted Series Starring Lee Seung-gi, Eun Ji-won, Kim Hee-chul, Cho Bo-ah, Park Na-rae, and Kai! Coming November 20th!
by Talia M.
New World is an unscripted series that tells the story of unexpected events that take place in a utopia full of survival missions, competitions, and twists through a new type …
Today, Disney+ revealed the first official trailer for the six-part original series “Welcome to Earth,” streaming this December. The visually stunning Disney+ series, from National Geographic, follows two-time Academy Award® …
Celebrity News
“Lips Like Angelina”: The Weeknd Sparks Dating Rumors With Angelina Jolie
by Talia M.
The Weeknd and Angelina Jolie were, once again, spotted leaving a restaurant together last night. The actress (46) and the singer (31) first sparked dating rumours in July, when they …