“Dear Frank,” a psychological crime thriller starring Brian White, Claudia Jordan, along with a stellar ensemble cast, will hit theaters in November 2019. Before the film’s theatrical release in LA, …
Following three days of testimony, the rapper was found guilty of assault and has been given a suspended sentence. A$AP Rocky was arrested in Stockholm in early July and was …
Rapper Macklemore, Microsoft executives Satya Nadella, Amy Hood and Terry Myerson are among those joining as investors in the team. Original Seattle Sounders FC owner Joe Roth is leaving the …
NFL is forming an ‘entertainment and social justice partnership’ with Jay-Z’s Roc Nation
Jay-Z watches at Rams vs. Seahawks game. Photo credit: Jayne Kamin-Oncea-USA TODAY Sports
Writer-director Greta Gerwig (Lady Bird) has crafted a Little Women that draws on both the classic novel and the writings of Louisa May Alcott, and unfolds as the author’s alter …