Home Celebrity Drama Did Logan Paul Leave His Mini Pig Pearl For Dead?

Did Logan Paul Leave His Mini Pig Pearl For Dead?

by Quincy Thomas
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Let’s just say, Logan Paul isn’t having a great start to the year. He got accused of scamming people with CryptoZoo when Youtuber Coffeezilla released a three-part series on CryptoZoo alleging numerous business malpractice. Now, he‘s facing animal cruelty allegations.

Logan Paul’s pet pig, Pearl, was rescued after allegedly being abandoned in California. Pearl is currently in the care of The Gentle Barn.

They released a statement about finding Pearl and gave an update on her condition via Tik Tok.

The Gentle Barn said, “Pearl was found alone in a field next to another pig who had passed away. She came to us with tattered ears and a potentially life-threatening infection in her uterus that has since been healed. She’s clearly been through so much trauma that we can’t begin to imagine, but she’s now safe with us at The Gentle Barn.”

Now, what they said next is the reason why Logan Paul is receiving backlash. “From what we’ve been told, it’s believed she was purchased originally from a breeder by an influencer. People often buy “mini pigs” or “teacup pigs” for clout online, believing they will stay small. When they inevitably grow very largely and have many unexpected needs, they’re sadly discarded. While we don’t knowd everything she’s been through in her past, we know her life is now filled with friends, nutritious foods, the highest quality care, and so much love,” The Gentle Barn said.

People dug up Logan Paul’s past tweet about his mini pig Pearl. He says, “I bought pearl over a year ago. I was told she was a mini pig… she’s not.” This leads people on social media to believe he left Pearl for dead when he made the move from California to Puerto Rico.

Check on Twitter’s reaction to Logan Paul allegedly abandoning his mini pig.




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