Home Celebrity News Gigi Hadid says “the terrorizing of innocent people is not in alignment” with the Free Palestine movement

Gigi Hadid says “the terrorizing of innocent people is not in alignment” with the Free Palestine movement

by Talia M.
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Gigi Hadid, a famous supermodel with Palestinian roots, has joined the worldwide concern about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

In an Instagram post on Tuesday, the 28-year-old model sincerely spoke out against the terrorization of innocent people and expressed her unwavering backing for Palestine.

In her heartfelt message, Hadid conveyed her deep sympathy for everyone affected by the tragic event, especially the innocent lives, including many children, that were lost during the conflict.

She highlighted the immense responsibility she feels every day to recognize the Palestinian struggle under occupation and expressed a strong aspiration for a brighter future for Palestinians without causing harm to Jewish individuals.

Recognizing that the ongoing violence does not benefit the “Free Palestine” movement, Gigi Hadid emphasized that it only contributes to a painful cycle of retaliation, which innocent civilians, whether Palestinian or Israeli, should not be subjected to.

Hadid’s statement highlighted the importance of differentiating between supporting the Palestinian cause and holding antisemitic beliefs.

The host of Next In Fashion expressed her sincere condolences to all those impacted by the conflict, emphasizing that this tragedy deeply affects her on a personal level due to having loved ones involved on both sides.

Her message went beyond the intricate tangle of emotions surrounding the matter, underscoring the universal significance of fundamental rights, compassionate treatment, and safety for every individual, regardless of their nationality, religion, ethnicity, or birthplace.

Although recognizing the limitations of language in the presence of profound injuries, Hadid extended her prayers for the protection of innocent lives, constantly maintaining the belief that peace and comprehension can ultimately triumph.

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