Home News AOC Under Fire for Partnering with Anti-Porn Group Despite Past Support for Sex Workers

AOC Under Fire for Partnering with Anti-Porn Group Despite Past Support for Sex Workers

by Quincy Thomas
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Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) announced a partnership with an anti-pornography group while introducing legislation aimed at combating deepfake technology. The collaboration with the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) has sparked outrage from sex workers and advocates, who argue that it contradicts Ocasio-Cortez’s previous support for sex worker rights.

The announcement, made earlier this week, revealed Ocasio-Cortez’s introduction of an anti-deepfake bill, which aims to address the growing threat of manipulated media. However, the inclusion of NCOSE in the statement has raised eyebrows and prompted backlash from various quarters.

NCOSE, described by adult industry publication XBIZ as an organization seeking to criminalize sex work and eradicate adult content, has a contentious history marked by its advocacy for state censorship and opposition to LGBTQ+ rights. Critics argue that aligning with such a group sends a concerning message and undermines efforts to protect the rights of marginalized communities.

Notably, Ocasio-Cortez’s association with NCOSE appears to contradict her previous stance on sex work. In a tweet from 2020, she unequivocally declared, “Sex work is work,” and called for government support for individuals struggling during the pandemic. Her vocal support for sex workers at that time stood in stark contrast to the objectives of NCOSE, leading many to question the consistency of her current position.

Sex workers and their advocates have been particularly vocal in expressing their disappointment and frustration over Ocasio-Cortez’s alignment with NCOSE. They argue that policies aimed at criminalizing sex work only serve to further stigmatize and endanger individuals in the industry, rather than addressing the underlying issues of exploitation and coercion.

The controversy surrounding Ocasio-Cortez’s partnership with NCOSE underscores the complex intersection of technology, sexuality, and advocacy in contemporary politics. As discussions on deepfake technology continue to evolve, so too do debates over the appropriate response and the implications for freedom of expression, privacy, and marginalized communities.

In response to the backlash, Ocasio-Cortez’s office has yet to issue a formal statement addressing the concerns raised by sex workers and advocates. However, the controversy is unlikely to dissipate soon, as critics and supporters alike await further clarification on the congresswoman’s position and intentions regarding sex work policy and advocacy.

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1 comment

Rebecca March 16, 2024 - 10:58 AM

Wow the switch up is crazy.


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