In a shocking turn of events, Hend Karim Bustami, 29, was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison for the second-degree murder of her mother, Afaf Hussanen. The case, …
Quincy Thomas
German Mathews, a 40-year-old Nicaraguan man with a troubling history of five deportations from the United States, was sentenced to 19 years in prison on April 29th for sexually assaulting …
Celebrity News
Vin Diesel Faces Serious Allegations in Recent Sexual Assault Lawsuit Filed by Former Assistant
Vin Diesel, best known for his roles in the ‘Fast and Furious’ franchise, is being sued by a former assistant, Asta Jonasson, for sexual battery and wrongful termination. According to …
In a recent Instagram post, pro-Israeli influencer Natalia Fadeev stirred up a storm by sharing a photo of herself in full combat gear, brandishing a gun on a beach in …
18-year-old Arion Kurtaj, the mastermind behind the extensive GTA 6 gameplay leak, faced sentencing via video call from Feltham Youth Prison. The BBC’s Joe Tidy reported that Kurtaj, found guilty …