The family of a 16-year-old British girl, Noiya Sharabi, who went missing, has revealed that she tragically lost her life during Hamas’s recent attack on Israel. Some militants killed Noiya’s …
Quincy Thomas
Nike Executives Killed After Being Hit By Lumber That Slid Off A Truck As They Rode Their Bikes
A married couple, who both worked as executives at Nike, tragically lost their lives this week when they got struck by a load of lumber that fell off a truck …
A New York City police officer lost her job this week after being caught allegedly selling significant amounts of narcotics, such as fentanyl and heroin, while on duty. According to …
David Tupper, a former law enforcement officer, is facing criticism on social media due to allegations of him breaking the side window of a black woman’s vehicle during a road …
Today, President Joe Biden declared that a major disaster exists for the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians and ordered federal aid to supplement the Tribal Nation’s efforts in the …