The US Open draw ceremony took place on Thursday, setting the stage for a number of popcorn-worthy first-round matchups. Serena Williams will face Maria Sharapova in R1 for their first …
Rapper Tee Grizzley’s car was shot up in Detroit and his manager killed. The reports are just coming in so we don’t have the full details, but multiple sources confirmed …
Amazed by the response we’ve received about the #AmazonFires. THANK YOU FOR CARING. This is so important. Photo Courtesy of TWITTER/@ALTNPSROCKY
Maurice Willoughby committed suicide on Monday after being relentlessly taunted and cyberbullied for being in a relationship with a transgender woman. The Hollywood Unlocked reported the Philadelphia man went live …
Kidman, Theron and Robbie lead a star-studded cast in Bombshell, a film about the women who accused former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes of sexual harassment and misconduct. Ailes faced …