Home News California Woman Denise Olin Faces Backlash for Racist Incident Over Dog Leash Dispute

California Woman Denise Olin Faces Backlash for Racist Incident Over Dog Leash Dispute

by Terra

A video of a frightening incident between two women in California has stirred uproar on social media, raising concerns about racism and entitlement. Denise Olin, the woman at the center of the incident, is facing backlash for making racist statements to an Asian woman who just requested that she leash her dog in compliance with local laws.

Cindy shared the incident on TikTok, which shows Olin refusing to comply with the order to leash her dog and then using racially charged language, urging the Asian woman to “go back to China.” Cindy, a dog walker, was reasonably concerned about the safety of her client’s pet and the community, as leash restrictions are commonly enforced in California cities to avoid dog-related incidents.

Despite the potential consequences of losing her clients, she bravely published the video, stating that such behavior should not be accepted. Her account of the meeting reveals a worrying development, with Olin continuing to harass Cindy and even accusing her of racism and being the “most hated person in the neighborhood.”

Olin’s identity was also disclosed by another TikTok user, Danesh, who identified her in a different video. He pieced up information from the video, revealing her identity to the public.


While California has no statewide leash legislation, local jurisdictions frequently impose restrictions requiring dogs to be leashed in public areas. Olin’s reluctance to follow these laws, combined with her racist remarks, has provoked significant censure and a conversation about the prevalence of intolerance in society.

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Jay February 27, 2024 - 3:42 PM

racist piece of trash, she also has an accent is clearly an immigrant herself telling another person to get out, the stupidity. she needs to look in the mirror.

Lizzle February 27, 2024 - 11:50 AM

beyond racist, she is MEAN and a bully. at her age?!

Tevin February 26, 2024 - 8:50 AM


Sonya February 26, 2024 - 7:48 AM

Racist much?

Max February 26, 2024 - 7:05 AM

Racist bitch


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