Japan’s former prime minister Shinzo Abe has been taken to hospital after collapsing during a speech. According to local broadcaster NHK, Abe was campaigning on Friday in the city of …
Rhode Island Senator Tiara Mack Receives Backlash From Republicans After Encouraging People To Vote In New Twerking Video
Rhode Island Senator Tiara Mack made an upside-down twerking video encouraging people to vote for her which currently has Republicans fuming right now. https://twitter.com/arisebantu/status/1544134036297289728?s=21&t=uPWjmquuBO_Q7cB8k-QYfg Rhode Island State Senator Tiara Mack …
Today, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unveiled the winner of the Congressional Art Competition from New York’s 14th Congressional District: Sally Almaklani. Sally’s work, titled “My Hijab Makes Me Powerful,” can be …
The House of Representatives passed a sweeping gun package in a 223-to-204 vote on Wednesday in response to mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, which killed more …
AOC to Visit Boulevard Gardens in Queens for Annual Memorial Day Event, Honor Constituent in Woodside
On Monday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will visit Boulevard Gardens for American Legion Post 1836’s annual Memorial Day Event. She will also read a proclamation honoring constituent John Hoffman, who is …