The world is watching the heartbreaking news unfold as Russia invades Ukraine. There have been so many heartbreaking videos coming out of Ukraine such as men sending their families to …
World News
Lots of heartbreaking moments have happened in Ukraine since Russia has started attacking the country. Russia has already taken over the Chernobyl nuclear plant and Hostomel military airfield near Kyiv. …
Three people have been killed and another 80 are injured after Army leader Abdel Fattah al-Burhan declared emergency rule over the transitional government, according to Reuters. On Monday, acting Prime …
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un held a weapons exhibition on Tuesday and vowed to build up the isolated country’s military. “There is no action-based evidence to make us believe …
Bianca Graulau took to Tik Tok to talk about the protests that are heating up in Rincon, Puerto Rico over the construction of a pool on the beach. The construction …