Home News Major Break in Murder of Maryland Mother: Suspect Apprehended in Oklahoma

Major Break in Murder of Maryland Mother: Suspect Apprehended in Oklahoma

by Quincy Thomas
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A significant development has occurred in the year-long investigation into the murder of Rachel Morin, a Harford County mother of five. Authorities have arrested Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez, a 23-year-old undocumented immigrant from El Salvador, in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Mr. Hernandez is charged with first-degree murder and sexual assault in connection with Ms. Morin’s death, which occurred in August 2023 on a popular hiking trail. The investigation revealed that Mr. Hernandez entered the United States illegally in February 2023, shortly after allegedly committing a similar crime in El Salvador the prior month.

Through meticulous investigation, detectives were able to link Mr. Hernandez to Ms. Morin’s murder, as well as a separate assault and home invasion incident that occurred in Los Angeles, California, in March 2023. This connection suggests a potentially broader pattern of criminal activity.

A breakthrough in genetic genealogy analysis provided a crucial lead that ultimately led to Mr. Hernandez’s identification and apprehension. He was taken into custody at a Tulsa bar on Friday evening. Law enforcement officials report that Mr.Hernandez attempted to provide false information regarding his identity and the charges against him.

This arrest marks a significant step forward for law enforcement and offers some solace to Ms. Morin’s family. It also raises serious concerns about the potential for a serial offender operating across multiple states. The investigation into Mr.Hernandez’s activities remains ongoing.

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