Netflix is set to captivate audiences with its upcoming thriller, “Mea Culpa,” as unveiled in the recently released trailer featuring the talented Kelly Rowland. The film, a brainchild of the…
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Lauren Dickason Was Convicted For Killing Her Three Daughters, Reveals She Sleeps With Teddy Bears Made of Their Clothing
by Terra
by Terra
Lauren Dickason, who has been convicted of triple murder, has written a letter to express gratitude to her supporters. She is currently being held in the forensic psychiatric unit and…
Murder Case
Former Georgia Deputy Gets Life For Killing Married Lover After She Insulted His Penis Size
by Terra
by Terra
A former Georgia deputy was sentenced to life in prison for murdering his married girlfriend because she insulted his penis size, The Independent reports. Police say, Jason Cunningham, 48, shot…
Murder Case
Kouri Richins Charged For Her Husband’s Murder After Publishing A Book About Grief
by Terra
by Terra
After her husband died, the woman who wrote a children’s book about grief got accused of murdering him. Kouri Richins was arrested in Utah on Monday on suspicion of poisoning…
Hannah Landon Accused of Killing 6-Year-Old Bella Fontenelle, Leaving Body In Bucket on Mother’s Lawn
by Terra
by Terra
A 43-year-old Louisiana woman got arrested after allegedly killing her boyfriend’s 6-year-old daughter and stuffing the child’s body into a large plastic bucket, which she then dropped off on the…