Smallfoot is an upcoming 2018 American 3Dcomputer-animated comedy film from Warner Animation Group. This film was written and directed by Karey Kirkpatrick based on a story by Sergio Pablos. The film stars the voices of Channing Tatum, James Corden, Zendaya, Common, LeBron James, Gina Rodriguez, Danny DeVito, Yara Shahidi, Ely Henry, and Jimmy Tatro. It is scheduled to be released on September 28, 2018.
Plot: A Yeti named Migo played by Channing Tatum is convinced that the elusive creatures known as “humans” really do exist.
Here is the official trailer:
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Definitely going to bring my kids to watch this movie
This must have been a difficult time doing voice overs for Channing Tatum
The Future of Entertainment and the culture are in a movie together.
Congrats Yara and Zendaya
Omg I’m just happy Yara and Zendaya are in a movie together.