Home World News 23-Year-Old Hananeh Kian Murdered While Protesting Mahsa Amini’s Death

23-Year-Old Hananeh Kian Murdered While Protesting Mahsa Amini’s Death

by Terra
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After being detained by Iranian Morality police for not complying with Iran’s hijab standards, 22-year-old Mahsa Amini was beaten so severely that she fell into a coma and died.

Amini’s murder sparked demonstrations in Iran and all across the world in which women are burning hijabs and cut off their hair, in defiance of Iran’s restrictions on women.

There has been at least nine protestors that have been murdered by Iranian security forces which includes 23-year-old Hananeh Kian, who was shot to death by Iranian security forces yesterday whilst protesting the custodial murder of Mahsa Amini and demanding an end to forcible veiling.

Kian was from Noshahr, Iran where two days ago three other protesters were killed by the regime. She was supposed to be getting married next month.

Last year, Iran’s president Ebrahim Raisi, signed an order to enforce a list of restrictions on women, which included surveillance cameras to monitor and fine unveiled women or refer them for “counseling.” Iran has taken the choice away from women to dress how they want and are enforcing its rules to the point of death.

Now that their dehumanizing laws are being amplified internationally, the Iranian government has shut down the internet in an attempt to hide the atrocities taking place. 

Female Iranian activists are facing harassment both online and in person. Their social media accounts are being flooded with bullying and threats, and some are being interrogated, arrested, and imprisoned.

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Lisa September 25, 2022 - 12:50 PM



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