Disney Branded Television has unveiled a heartwarming new animated short-film, “An Almost Christmas Story,” set to premiere this fall on Disney+. The film, directed by acclaimed filmmaker David Lowery and produced by five-time …
HBO has officially greenlit a new comedy series created by, starring, and executive produced by Rachel Sennott. Following her breakout role in the critically acclaimed film Shiva Baby and her …
The Queen’s Gambit star Anya Taylor-Joy has expressed her desire to step into the role of Elsa if Disney ever decides to create a live-action version of their beloved Frozen …
The Roles They Missed: Actors Who Turned Down, Dropped Out, or Were Replaced in Major Roles
Hollywood is often defined by the roles that actors choose to play, but just as frequently, it’s shaped by the ones they don’t. Here is a roundup of surprising stories …
The highly anticipated Peaky Blinders film is set to expand its star-studded cast with the addition of acclaimed actor Barry Keoghan. Joining Cillian Murphy, who reprises his iconic role as Tommy Shelby, Keoghan brings his …