Santiago “Daveeys” Ruiz, a professional Valorant player, tragically passed away at the age of 23. On September 4th, his organization, KRÜ Esports, made the announcement. Daveeys joined KRÜ Esports in …
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On Saturday, September 2nd, a Piper Pawnee pilot died when the plane broke up during a sharp pull-up for a gender reveal stunt in San Pedro, Mexico. The video of …
A woman who was accused of murdering Beyoncé’s cousin was eventually found guilty. Sasha Skare, 24, was sentenced to 55 years in prison for shooting Kardone, whose real name is …
Ukrainian sisters arrested for dancing on the graves of fallen soldiers, face 5 years in prison
Two sisters, whose father sacrificed his life defending Ukraine against the Russian invasion, could potentially face imprisonment for filming a video where they dance and twerk near the graves of …
The tragic news from home has shattered Spain’s World Cup celebrations. Jorge Vilda’s team won their first World Cup title in dramatic fashion, defeating England 1-0 in the final. On …