Photo Courtesy of Twitter/@doublemacbex Kanye West rocks a “Make America Great” baseball cap to an Apple store in Washington, D.C. to give out one of his outrageous speeches. Kanye earlier …
kanye west
Kanye West Meets With Donald Trump at The White House: Which Includes He’s Not For The People
Photo Courtesy of Instagram/@Alruckershow Kanye West met his idol today at the Oval Office. The man Kanye reveres couldn’t even stand up to give him a proper greeting. This meeting …
Photo Courtesy of Twitter/@SebFazioComedy Kanye West has another Kanye moment on SNL last night which led to him being booed. Kanye delivered another speech about supporting Donald Trump. Some of …
Celebrity DramaCelebrity NewsNews
Hit the Floor Star Teyanna Taylor Drops out of #LaterThatNight Tour
Teyanna Taylor, who came into the public’s eye back in 2007 on MTV’s hit show My Super Sweet 16, has been slaying the game every since. The singer/songwriter recently began …
Remember when Kanye West asked Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to give him $53 million to pay off his debts, on Twitter? Well, he might not need help anymore, because West …