Home Comics Why DC Needs To Cast Michael B. Jordan As The Green Lantern?

Why DC Needs To Cast Michael B. Jordan As The Green Lantern?

by Wayne Ayers
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D.C. Comics is slowly but surely going back to the right direction. Let’s take a minute and think about this situation. Before 2008, the only Marvel characters people would truly talk about is Spider-Man and Hulk. DC had the throne and everybody would talk about the Justice League, Teen Titans, and etc. After, this last decade people are starting to believe that Marvel has a better universe then DC. The only real success DC had last decade was The Dark Knight Rises, Aquaman, Joker, and Wonder Woman. They should build off the success of Wonder Woman and Aquaman this decade and really put DC back in it’s rightful place.

This really starts by casting and telling the characters we love, stories the right way. DC should make a Flash movie, Green Lantern movie, and a Teen Titans movie. Last decade, it seemed like they rushed their process on all their films besides Wonder Woman and Aquaman. They rushed the Justice League movie and didn’t even bring on the full team. They need to gives these characters separate movies to their stories so the audience can be more invested into these characters and their story lines. It took Marvel 12 years to get to Avengers: Endgame.

Green Lantern needs to has his separate film. They should really consider casting Michael B. Jordan. He’s one of the biggest stars in the Hollywood and Green Lantern is one of the most important characters in the D.C. Universe. If you put the two together it equals a box office explosion. Plus many fans want Michael B. Jordan to portray the Green Lantern. D.C. should really find away to make this happen. The movie would make at least $750 million dollars at the box office if done right.

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