One of the newest superhero shows to arrive on the CW is Naomi, created by Ava DuVernay and Jill Blankenship. Naomi, played by Kaci Walfall, takes you on an adventure …
"the last us"
Jaiya Patillo: 7th Grader Dominates College Track & Field Sprinters In The 400M Dash
The last time we saw 12-year-old Jaiya Patillo, she was becoming a social media sensation. Getting hundreds of thousands of views, on a video shared by SportsCenter, of her running …
This episode isn’t as entertaining as the previous episodes but I love how they are building up this upcoming final showdown by giving screen time to characters such as Annie …
(Photo Courtesy of Getty Images) Buckingham Palace has announced that the monarch tested positive for COVID-19 and is experiencing “mild cold-like symptoms.” It comes after Prince Charles, her eldest son …
17-year-old Aaliyah Talley-Morris was last seen on February 8, 2022 in Bladensburg, Maryland. Morris was wearing a jean jacket, gray sweater hoodie, black uniform shirt, tan uniform pants, and a …