Home Fashion Blood and Water Star Ama Qamata Becomes Adidas Ambassador

Blood and Water Star Ama Qamata Becomes Adidas Ambassador

by Talia M.
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Ama Qamata made her television acting debut in 2016 at the age of 17, and went on to land a main role in the popular South African drama series, Gomora in 2020. In the same year, Ama was cast in a lead role in the Netflix crime drama Blood & Water, which hit the number one spot on Netflix in regions such as South America and Australia, with Ama receiving her first international acting nomination at the Series Brasil Awards in the category Actress Revelation of the Year.

Speaking to Ama, it’s clear that she was destined to become an actor.

“I can’t remember wanting to be anything else. Acting is my passion, and my parents did everything they could to support my dream from arranging drama lessons, singing lessons and piano lessons.

When Ama was ten years old, she was cast as Snow White in her school play. “It was a bit controversial at the time, having a girl of colour be selected to play Snow White but I didn’t even think about it in that way – Snow White was the lead role, and I wanted the lead role!”

When Ama received an acting award from her drama teacher in the same year, she vividly remembers him saying to the audience that he wouldn’t be surprised if Ama were to win an Academy Award one day. “The school hall erupted in cheers, it was such a defining moment for me. It completely reaffirmed my love of acting.”

Impossible is Nothing is an attitude that Ama knows well. “In this industry, you have to believe in yourself and your ability first and foremost. I’ve only ever wanted to act so it had to work out. There was no Plan B!”

Ama attributes her mental strength to being incredibly focused. “Having clear goals has helped me to navigate confidently through life. I’ve known what I wanted from a young age, and this has made life easier because I knew what to go after and what to let go. Sure I have moments of doubt, but I don’t entertain them. If I want something, I go for it. I’ll find a way to get it.”

It may come as a surprise that Ama has previously suffered from panic attacks, and she credits Pilates and mindfulness for helping her manage these. “Just before I started practising Pilates, I was really suffering. The breathing and going at a slower pace, has really helped.”

As much as Ama enjoys being a performer, she’s very comfortable being alone. It gives her the chance to reflect on what’s going on in her life, and become more self-aware. She describes herself as someone who can be outgoing and social when she needs to be, but also someone who enjoys the solitude of being alone.

When it comes to supporting the next generation, Ama has a huge heart. Since her teenage years, she’s been involved in initiatives that make a difference in the lives of young girls. Last year after giving a motivational talk at a school in the Eastern Cape, and after witnessing the financial toll of Covid-19 on the surrounding community, Ama made it possible for 20 girls to continue attending the school. “It was so humbling to listen to their stories and to hear what they had been through. I was very glad that I could help, and will continue to support and uplift communities where I can.”

Another of her initiatives is to tackle period poverty. “It’s heart-breaking that so many girls don’t go to school when they’re menstruating. My hope is that sanitary pads become freely available in schools. Women don’t choose to have a period, and it’s unfair that they don’t have free access to such a basic necessity. It’s the kind of initiative that feels somewhat impossible… and yet, the conversation has started and the movement is gaining momentum.”

When it comes to her goals for 2022, Ama would love to take on more roles this year, and specifically roles that are more challenging. “I’d also love to travel. There’s so much of the world to see. And there are so many acting opportunities now that the world is opening its eyes to young African talent. I’d love to represent Africa on a global stage.

“I’m really proud that I’ve managed to go from a young girl dreaming of becoming an actor, to working on amazing productions such as Gomora, and Blood & Water. I feel privileged to represent many young black girls who feel like they weren’t seen previously.”

As bright as Ama’s star shines abroad, South Africa will always be her home. “I’d love to travel abroad and shoot projects but then I’m coming back. My family is here, my community is here, and my country means the world to me.”

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