Home News Disturbing Footage Shows Kyle Walter Martin Harassing Muslim Woman At Fort Lauderdale Airport

Disturbing Footage Shows Kyle Walter Martin Harassing Muslim Woman At Fort Lauderdale Airport

by Quincy Thomas

A disturbing incident of harassment at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport has sparked social media outrage. A video of a man named Kyle Walter Martin harassing a Muslim woman named Salma Khan has gone viral, drawing attention to the ongoing problem of Islamophobia.

Salma Khan claims she noticed Martin staring at her as she waited to board her flight to Phoenix, Arizona. Khan told the Miami Herald that she introduced herself to Martin in the hopes of defusing the situation. The interaction, however, took a disturbing turn when Martin allegedly expressed a desire to remove her hijab. Khan claims she asked him to leave her alone, prompting two strangers to step in.

Ramona Flowers, a TikTok user, recorded the incident. Flowers told the Miami Herald that she started recording after seeing Martin reach for Khan’s face. Flowers claims she overheard him making Islamophobic remarks, which escalated the situation.

In the viral video, Martin can be heard asking to take photos of Khan and the three strangers who had come to her aid. He claimed it was for a report to the FBI and stated that Khan shouldn’t be at the airport, alleging that everyone there was against her. In a bewildering turn of events, the group posed for Martin as he took their pictures.


A Broward Sheriff’s Office deputy arrived at the gate about 10 minutes later and escorted Martin away. However, Khan reported that the deputy did not take her name or a statement. Martin was simply moved to a later flight.

A TikTok user named Danesh identified the man responsible for the harassment as Kyle Walter Martin. Danesh recently detailed how he discovered Martin’s identity in a video, demonstrating the power of social media in holding people accountable for their actions.

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Mike Johnson January 3, 2024 - 1:52 PM

Kyle is a major drunk. I have known him for 27 years. He has bounced around and even been homeless several times. It is sad at this point how far he has fallen. He has had organ failure from drinking as early as 2 years ago. He has a major problem and all friends and family have all but left him for dead. He has become a sad little man. I don’t know when the last time he went a day without getting drunk. He has scammed people and done whatever it takes to get the drink. Kyle “mousey” Martin probably won’t live another year before his organs shut down again for good. He is wasting away. Been divorced, and his last druggy woman hung herself in his shower. He isn’t far behind if his body doesn’t shut down first. He has no one to blame but himself. Even his brain cells are dying off. You can tell by his reasoning. If you want to call it that. HIs Mom Vicki just enables him as well. So nothing will change until he dies. I hate to say it, but he is a total lost cause at this point.

No thanks December 2, 2023 - 12:02 PM

Another unkempt, unwashed, butt trying to tell other people how to act. Take a bath skeeze shady…

Darryl November 24, 2023 - 2:15 AM

Just like all videos captured; did anything happen prior to the filmed incident?

Clara November 25, 2023 - 7:14 PM

True, probably the lady tried to bomb the airport.. before the national hero decided to expose her evil plan by taking photos.. and then he saved humanity !

Clara hater November 25, 2023 - 7:39 PM

You’re dumb af Clara

Mark November 23, 2023 - 11:59 PM


Adriana November 23, 2023 - 11:37 PM

I don’t understand people’s motives

James November 23, 2023 - 11:33 PM

I think Kyle needs to be arrested.


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