Home Police Brutality Footage Shows North Carolina Police Officer Zachary Price Pointing A Gun At 14-Year-Old Girl

Footage Shows North Carolina Police Officer Zachary Price Pointing A Gun At 14-Year-Old Girl

by Quincy Thomas

A video of a North Carolina police officer pointing a gun at a 14-year-old girl in Mount Olive, North Carolina, is circulating on social media.

In the video, the police officer was arresting a mother (we don’t know the reason,) but when she asked him to call another cop. He yanked her from the car. Apparently, that’s when her 14-year-old daughter got out of the vehicle.

The officer pulled his gun out on her and said, “don’t come up on me,” while the teenager wasn’t facing his direction. The officer tells the mother to put her hands behind her back, and she says, “no, because you are trying to detain me for nothing.” The mother told her children to record the incident, and the video ended shortly afterward.

One of her daughters, Arianna Amaya, posted the video on her Tik Tok account.

Arianna Amaya’s caption said, “So today in Mt.Olive North Carolina officer Z Price pulled over my mother, under the assumption that she did not have her seatbelt on … He then asked her for identification, and she did not have her ID on her. After she gave him her full name and date of birth, he continues to rip my mom out of her vehicle and failed to tell her why she was being detained. After I stepped out the vehicle to call my stepdad He then pulls his weapon out on me, and my younger sister did not have my mother in jail and he claims her to be an “illegal immigrant” and they also stated that my mother lied about her name being Anna. The officer failed to read her the Miranda rights he also did not have his body cam on and refused to bring a female officer to search her.”

Social media may have identified the North Carolina police officer as Zachary Price. Arianna Amaya started a Angel Link page to help raise money to get her mother home.

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Mars February 24, 2023 - 1:23 PM

Your retarded police, in that so-called land of freedom, are just as bad as the policemen of Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin. You can get the bullet from all three!

The man February 19, 2023 - 9:14 PM

Are you dumb she stated she gave a full name, dob, and he still refused to take it and with no reason labeled her as an immigrant. Not even that. Body camera was not on as in the law now any interaction body cam has to be on. The child did no such thing to running up on him. She was clearly just behind the car making a phone call. You need to be slammed on the pavement.

Victor Vazquez February 18, 2023 - 6:45 AM

This is what policing for profit looks like. The trooper escalates a very minor incident into an arrest. The violation that causes the incident was “not wearing seat belts”. Why does the trooper need to escalate a minor infraction into an arrest? Money! No ID and resisting arrest are secondary charges. This trooper felt the need to arrest this “danger to the community” because she did NOT wear seat belts. This trooper has no sense of proportion in policing. And this happens when increases in money allocation are proportional to increases in arrest. This isn’t just a trooper issue, it’s a supervisory and agency issue. Their focus is on making as many arrests as possible. More arrest means more funding.

John February 17, 2023 - 5:44 PM

She was driving without a license and resisted arrest.

The girl got a gun pulled on her because she ran up on a cop while he was trying to effectuate an arrest. This is absolutely insane. People don’t get to refuse to be arrested when they break the law. That woman is lucky she didn’t get slammed to the pavement, which is exactly what he should’ve done the moment she yanked her arm away from him. Officer showed incredible patience.

Marc R February 17, 2023 - 7:50 PM

She was driving without her license on her person. In those cases, the police can issue an infraction and ask to present license at the station, or they can simply look it up (assuming her license was for the same state as the officer) before an arrest warrant is issued for driving without a license. Immediately trying to arrest is a powertrip.

JT Gee February 18, 2023 - 8:16 AM

The state issued her a license and it was valid. There isn’t more to it than that. If you think it is OK to point a loaded weapon at a child, that comes down to the parenting and values you were raised with.

The officer will probably lose his job for this, and maybe even be charged with a crime. Rightly so, on both counts.

Waldo February 18, 2023 - 6:22 PM

Yes! Everyone wants to argue “he pulled a gun on a 14 year old”. Here in Houston, an 11 year old just murdered someone and a few months back a kindergarten child had a gun at school. He had no clue if she was a threat or not. What he did know was he was fighting with someone refusing to obey his orders and someone comes up on him. She’s very lucky he did t shoot her. The mother shouldn’t have resisted and her children should have respected authority.

Now, we only see 1 minute of video, we need to see it all to have a complete truthful story. Obviously they only want to show the part they think shows the officer doing wrong.

In the article the child was quoted as saying all the things the officer did wrong legally such as not reading her mom the Miranda rights. If she knew the law so we’ll, she would have known to not walk up on an officer struggling with another person.

This is what happens when people think they know the law, disrespect authority and decide violence is the best reaction.

Jason February 19, 2023 - 10:59 AM

How’s that boot taste? Scumbag cop simp.

Lilith March 7, 2023 - 3:01 PM

You must be another cop… the video clearly shows her daughter standing behind the car on her phone calling for help and wasn’t even facing officer price… so “run up on” is a lie. And just because she didn’t have her drivers license on her doesn’t mean she was driving without a license… she left it at home or something, genius..

Mike Sidman March 16, 2023 - 9:29 AM

John, people like you are PART OF THE PROBLEM, AND NOT THE SOLUTION. The punk violated rights and committed wanton endangerment, caught on video, therefore his so-called “qualified immunity” GOES RIGHT DOWN THE TOILET. And if the state of NC is brainless enough to keep him, they shouldn’t be too shocked when he tries that with the wrong one, who REVOKES his “qualified immunity” with 9MM. I am not anti-police, I have every bit the same respect for REAL officers as any other Red-blooded American. But for jackbooted stormtroopers and thugs, I have ZERO RESPECT, I SPIT ON THEIR WORLD, and when their “watches” end on bad notes, I have NO SYMPATHY FOR THEM, I simply move along… Just another dirtbag with a badge who tried to do evil to somebody and got whacked, NOTHING TO SEE THERE…

Bill H June 21, 2023 - 8:04 AM

Not having your ID with you and driving g without a license are two very different things.

Angela L February 17, 2023 - 8:54 AM

He is not a police officer in Gastonia. Gastonia is nowhere near Mount Olive, N.C. Please remove this article or edit it to have the correct information. Misinformation like this causes major issues for police officers, their departments, their families, etc. Remove this immediately!!!

Tiny Octopus February 17, 2023 - 10:08 AM

That’s your issue with this? Not, y’know, excessive use of force, violation of civil liberties, violation of constitutional rights…but that oh no, they got the town wrong.

LolWhat February 17, 2023 - 10:27 AM

Comments like this matter since providing accurate information is of critical importance due to how it can allow for opposition to discredit the situation when confronted with it thereby shifting the narrative away from the issue of excessive use of force.

So while they may have forgotten to comment on the excessive use of force, it does not mean that they do not believe that what you have listed is not a major issue. Both are not mutually exclusive.

Dale February 17, 2023 - 1:38 PM

Excessive use of force? Of course that’s what everyone cries when A. There’s a lawful reason for the stop B. Resistant behavior from driver. NC REQUIRES the driver of a motor vehicle to be properly identified. C. As a mother why would you put your daughter in this situation, comply and do what is asked. If you do and this is the result (seriously doubt you get same behavior from cop) THEN you have a complaint. Stop resisting!

John February 17, 2023 - 2:28 PM

I think people are sick of complying with bullies even if they wear a badge. He could have easily waited for another cop.

If it were me I would have complied, but rolling my eyes at the power trips. Guns and badges should have a limit, no matter what this lady did he didn’t need to pull his gun.

City February 17, 2023 - 2:59 PM

Its a dumbass coward like you that make a cop feel ok doing this he is not above anyone he could of handled that another way when someone over steps you stand up for yourself your someone who runs there mouth starts a problem catches a punch in the face then plays victim knowing you can call someone else putting them in danger people like you make me sick spineless

Ophelia February 17, 2023 - 3:30 PM

Oh please. If you’re being manhandled for allegedly not having in a seat belt who would comply to that nonsense. Cops are NOT God!

JT Gee February 18, 2023 - 8:18 AM

You’d have a point if the officer pointed the weapon at the woman he was arresting. Instead he threatened deadly force on a child who hadn’t broken any laws, and wasn’t threatening any harm to anyone. The child he threatened to kill wasn’t resisting him.

I am not sure what weird barn you folks were raised in, but my bet is that your parents are pretty closely related.

Bill H June 21, 2023 - 8:07 AM

When a police officer draws their weapon they are threatening to kill you. Seems excessive for not wearing a seat belt.

John February 17, 2023 - 5:46 PM

Excessive use of force? He would’ve totally been within his right to slam that woman to the ground after she resisted arrest.

What civil liberties were violated? She committed a traffic violation, and she was committing a crime by driving without a license.

JT Gee February 18, 2023 - 8:22 AM

You have a great point. He could have slammed that woman to the ground for resisting arrest.


But he had no legal right to threaten to kill her child. That’s the issue here. He threatened a child with death. The child committed no crime. The child wasn’t actively “resisting” him in any way. The child wasn’t even facing his direction.

You’re not very smart, so you don’t realize the excessive force claim isn’t about what this thug did to the mom. This is about him threatening a child. Update your bootlicker-excuses so you can respond accurately.

Christopher John Thompson February 17, 2023 - 11:48 AM

ALL cops are trash. ALL COPS ARE TRASH.

PB February 18, 2023 - 5:44 AM

Angela, shut your ass up

Dale February 17, 2023 - 7:23 AM

What a pathetic article. Do your homework, clearly the officer is wearing a NC State Highway Patrol uniform. Second, Mt Olive and Gastonia are hours away from each other. Obviously you guy take great pride in slandering officers, might want to make sure you have the right person. Would hate for it to be a co$tly mistake.

April Hearing February 17, 2023 - 7:10 AM

PLEASE for once get your information correct before you share an article! This is NOT a Gastonia Officer as it clearly states Mt Olive. Highway Patrol Officers DO NOT work for cities. I’m sure there is more to this story…you just do not care to share the truth! Disgusting.

Kyle February 17, 2023 - 9:28 AM

Regardless, he had no reason to pull a fucking gun on a 14 year old. Absoluetly disgusting behavior

Chris February 17, 2023 - 6:15 AM

He is not a Gastonia Polic Officer, who is the idiot who edited this. How can he be a Gastonia cop when you even say it was in Mount Olive. Morons.

I like turtles February 17, 2023 - 9:51 AM

I like turtles

Who is Zachary Price? North Carolina Cop Points Gun at 14-Year-Girl for Calling Her Father During a Traffic Stop - International Business Weekly February 16, 2023 - 7:55 PM

[…] Where Is The Buzz reported that in a post made on TikTok, Arianna Amaya wrote that North Carolina officer Z Price pulled over her mother in Mt.Olive. Stating that Price pulled over her mother, under the assumption that she did not have her seatbelt on, he asked for her identification. […]


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