Home News Prosecutors Drop Charges Against Krieg Butler Sr. After He Shot and Killed 13-Year-Old Sinzae Reed

Prosecutors Drop Charges Against Krieg Butler Sr. After He Shot and Killed 13-Year-Old Sinzae Reed

by Quincy Thomas

A suspected white supremacist got arrested and charged with murder after fatally shooting a 13-year-old boy in Columbus, Ohio, on October 12th.

The shooter got identified as a 36-year-old man named Krieg Butler Sr, according to Columbus police. After the shooting, he reportedly fled the scene, and police eventually took him into custody on October 13th.

The young boy named Sinzae Reed was transported to the Doctors West Hospital when medics arrived at the scene. Sadly, less than an hour after arriving at the hospital, he was pronounced dead.

On October 19th, Franklin County Prosecutor’s office filed to dismiss the case in Municipal Court, according to The Columbus Dispatch. Butler claimed it was self-defense, according to the publication. A witness near the scene saw Butler get out of his truck, fire shots at Sinzae Reed, and then drive off.

Franklin County Municipal Court Judge Mike McAllister accepted the prosecutor’s office motion and dismissed the case. The million-dollar bond Butler had got lifted and he was immediately released from jail.

Butler got convicted in Franklin County for misdemeanor domestic violence, according to court records, which under federal law would prohibit him from having a gun.

Prosecutors and police say the case is ongoing and could end up in front of a Grand Jury in Common Pleas Court.

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Frederick Peyton December 31, 2022 - 9:41 am

Truly, like the country of Haiti that defeated the greatest military power during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte, The French Army. Haiti crushed that white Army with knives, sticks and stones. To be honest this is the reason that Haiti remains in the condition it is in because they disgraced those that wanted to control them. Back to our time. When is the last time you heard of a black police officer killing a white man or a white boy under cloudy circumstances. We don’t it never happens. Black officers only fire when their lives are truly threatened. To be honest black officers should only police our people not white officers. I am completely fed up with the disregard of black lives, especially our black women and it will stop soon as time for white America to fix themselves or America will cease to exist as the country we know it. Fire changes everything.

JC December 29, 2022 - 1:41 pm

So this is still an ongoing investigation it’s not done with, people keep pushing the race card but yet they don’t say anything about their own people killing each other, how does anybody know these people are racist? I’m out of all the black people killed by cops or shot by police only like the percentage was all of them are justified except for like five I think in the US. We have people pushing the races card so much that people it keeps it alive, and that’s the whole point is to keep it alive because they want to keep people divided, you have ignorant dumbasses who don’t get all the evidence and proof of what happens and jump on the races car and all these people are blah blah blah, and that’s what these pussies want you want ignorant fucks to go and start trouble, it’s like antifa with the b l m back when Floyd was killed, BLM is holding up peaceful protest vigil for fluid when antifa came in from cross state lines and started rioting and looting and all sorts of shit anywhere you look and tifa jumped in and all these white people with mass covering their faces cuz they’re scared to be seen fucking pussies, they push an egg on the race card. How about this you find where real racism is and we all go fight it together and we all fucking hold hands or fucking whatever afterwards. MLK said just a person by their character not their skin color, a lot of these motherfuckers out here are looking at the book and they’re ready describing and putting a full review on it without even reading it.. everything is going to go up in price even more because biden’s printing out money that we don’t have who has to pay for all the money he’s giving out taxpayers

Michael Phillips December 29, 2022 - 2:59 pm

Shut ya stupid illiterate ass up. You lack basic knowledge

Bedford Forest December 30, 2022 - 12:34 pm

Michael is so smart the facts have no bearing on reality! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Frederick Peyton December 29, 2022 - 3:11 pm

I am sorry to say that you really don’t know what you are talking about. Black people were brought to this country to be slaves. The country got rich off of the backs of slaves. When the slaves were supposedly freed they were not on equal footing with the white people that enslaved them. When the peasants came over from Europe they were given land millions of acres in which to make a living with when this country stole the land from the original people that were living here. They too were raped and murdered for the land they lived on. Blacks were not given anything for their slavery of over 300 hundred years. Why is that. No education, no money, no nothing just here is your freedom go make your American dream happen. When the Jews experienced their so called holocaust they were rewarded for their suffering even given a country and fell under the protection of the winners of WWII. Now fast forward to today’s time black people have never been placed on equal footing since we were forced to come here. To be completely honest with you I grow tired of the play on law, that whites use to keep their white supremacy in place. Every black leader we have had has been murdered in some shady way. When black men are killed by police or just ordinary white citizens there are always circumstances that are not clear in justice. White police officers are afraid of black people and if they are afraid they should not hold the position of law enforcement officer, that makes them more apt to pull out their weapon first before really getting the truth of any matter. I am a retired combat soldier of 26years of service and know for a fact that under most of the circumstances that there have been officer involved shooting and killing those officers would be in prison if they killed an enemy combatant under those fishy or same instances. I grow tired of the entire white culture making excuses and playing a very dangerous game with black lives. My back is pushed into a corner and the total murderous nature that some whites have towards black people is completely telling me that equality here is unrealistic in America for black people. Just the very versus in your constitution is racist inalienable rights. That means white rights. Black people built this country why do we not own anything. We fought and died in every war this country has ever had and still cannot receive equal treatment. You add it all up and you should keep quiet. You should get down on your knees and thank whatever God you pray to that 50 million black people have not lost their desire to be accepted, tempered, and valued as American citizens. If I could get 500k black men to follow me, I believe that I could get this society to pay proper reparations to each black household and black person that can trace their line directly to a slave ancestor from 1400 to present day. If not a lot of fresh water supplies in the mountains would become undrinkable and unusable for years. There would be multiple fires possibly nuclear fires if I read your inadequate security right. None of your power grids would ever function again as America knows it. That is just a little bit of what I would bring down the throat of America. If you know your history we were bred for work, longevity, and to survive under harsh conditions. Since WWII, white America has become physically weak and rely on technology too much. I am very aware of the same technology as it would be used to force a nation to come to the table and renegotiate the playing field. We want equal footing in this country. Along with so many others I am tiredbof seeing death of black people due to poverty, inadequate food, medical care. Substandard education. So many of your white politicians want to unwrite all of slavery history as is was the worst crime in history. Those that benefitted from slavery should be forced to give up all the wealth they gained or family gained. If not I believe with the help of the other 500k black men we could change the way white America thinks period. If you think what went down of the 6th of Jan was tragic, you really have not seen anything yet, that day was nothing.

Ms Yates December 29, 2022 - 5:50 pm

Very well said! This entitled privileged male doesn’t have a clue. This USA has done Wicked Evil & Vile against us and Native Americans. Trying to block history and white washing it. There is a day and there a Payday.

The Ethnicist December 31, 2022 - 3:39 am


The Ethnicist December 31, 2022 - 3:52 am

At Fredrick Peyton, well said sir. Count me in. They THINK that they actually want a “race war” with true brown skin colored “blk” people, but just like sports and everything else…THEY KNOW NOT WANT THEY WISH FOR!!

RODNEY WASHINGTON December 29, 2022 - 4:15 pm

Your first couple of sentences was enough for me to stop reading your ignorant azz comment. Black, White, Young, Old, Deaf Dumb or Stupid!!! This POS should never have been released from jail!

Paula Rogers December 29, 2022 - 4:47 pm

You should really refrain from commenting, especially if you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about! The fact that this white man has not been prosecuted for a simple murder should be enough to confirm exactly what type of person he is. I have never in my life seen so many people defend racism! Not once did you mention the fact that this man was a cold, blooded murder! Not once did you mention how his family is without their son, brother, nephew, grandson! Stop pushing your own narrative, because you sound like an idiot!

Shay December 29, 2022 - 6:26 pm

He’s literally a White Supremacist. What do you mean how do ppl know he’s racist? Denying racism existing doesn’t make it go away. Also there’s White on White crime every day. Do you complain about that too? Or it’s only to bring up Black ppl committing crimes even it’s convenient for you? The fact you argue an entire point to make this white man seem innocent while missing the main part that a 13 year old boy was killed says a lot about you. You’re racist too.

Mizzbeehave December 29, 2022 - 7:19 pm

The fact that you can call someone ignorant is astounding!! The amount of grammatical errors in the inability to put a sentence together, you are in no position to say shit about anybody!!!

Bossyy Chic December 29, 2022 - 8:23 pm

Whites kill whites blacks kills blacks this grown man shot a child and you’re spewing semantics. You need to wake up

Tj December 30, 2022 - 12:23 am

Yes, there is black on black crime, but please don’t act like there is not white on white crime too. What this man did is far from self-defense. This grown 36 year old savage devil murdered a 13 year old child!!!

lia December 30, 2022 - 3:53 am

Evidently you think it is to. Just stop this is a child that was murdered by an adult period that LEFT the scene… why leave???? 😑

Willie December 30, 2022 - 4:38 am

STFU 🤬 you stupid is hell say some dumb shit out your mouth like that…idiot!!

Mark December 30, 2022 - 6:48 am

All those words to say nothing but that you’re a racist pos

Feancisco December 30, 2022 - 9:51 am

Your comment on its self lets us know that you support racism, and are racist your self. You are pushing misinformation and blaming the victim. The fact that you have taken the time to not only belittle, but also insult anyone that can clearly see this was a racial driven crime and it os a hate crime, show us that your views are in alignment with the racial division that you speak of. You have failed to understand the situation, or perhaps this is true for you.

stu December 30, 2022 - 5:55 pm

Is it a hate related crime simply because they are both of a different color? So does that mean when a black man kills a white child thats also a racist crime? 🤔

I mean it should be as long as we staying consistent.

ASH December 30, 2022 - 10:04 am

This is the most ignorant comment ever. We have all other races killing their own race as well. White people are mostly murdered by white people. Look it up. It’s a thing if a black person kills another black person, but if whites kills whites…nothing? We don’t keep racism alive, racist people like what you appear to be do. You think we want this for ourselves? Racists folks are hunting black people down for a sport. We have folks like you that turn a blind eye and want to pretend to be oblivious to the problem when you perpetuate the problem with insulting suggestions like this. Truly disgusting. You should’ve never logged on. You know as well as I do that Krieg shot that boy because he was black. Rather you admit it or not means nothing when we all know the truth. You should try the truth one day, it may help set your mind free.

JC December 30, 2022 - 10:46 am

Because racism still exists, and hate crimes went up since Trump took office (you mentioned Biden, I can mention Trump). Just because black on black crime happens, does not mean we should not talk about racists killing blacks.

William Trice December 30, 2022 - 11:18 am

Yo what are you even talking about read the facts of the case smh

The Ethnicist December 31, 2022 - 3:47 am


Kan December 31, 2022 - 1:24 am

U dumb fuck

Siannan January 1, 2023 - 5:40 pm

Stop. We don’t need but this what about that. A grown man with a weapon he should not have legally had pulled up to this child, echoed his vehicle, shot at him multiple times, returned to said vehicle, and drove away. THAT is what we’re talking about and THAT is the ONLY thing relevant here.
Stop making excuses. Your hood is peeking out.

JustOurVoice January 2, 2023 - 12:11 pm

You Big Mad this How we know..you got that much animosity… Are you Caucasian sir or mam? You wouldn’t get it You never wanted to get it, it’s disturbing your sports and shows you want to watch, we don’t need your defending opinion.. It’s never racist to y’all, racism is a myth get over it .. please no one respond to this foolishness.. and my apologies for responding completely distracting from the point a grown man killed a kid and is free.. No bail No charge .. On going investigation.. Keep the awareness

vrankske January 7, 2023 - 10:23 am

You are stupid.

Nathan Smith March 21, 2023 - 10:45 am

You sound just like those Archie Bunker type ranters. Everybody else’s fault but yours. What is interesting to note is that things weren’t so perfect at any time for everybody. So where were you complainers of today’s violent gang thuggery back when Al Capone and the Tommy gun boys were shooting up the place??? All of that White on White crime.
It was Whites killing Whites during alcohol prohibition, and now it is the Blacks that look up to those White alcohol prohibition thugs that are causing murder and mayhem during these narcotics prohibition days. The only color that mattered to these thugs today is the same color that mattered in Capone’s day…GREEN!!!

Shante Smith December 29, 2022 - 12:38 pm

Blacks take revenge on each other quickly in their own neighborhoods. Street Justice is just that. Let’s see how long this murderer gets to freely breathe fresh air for his crime, to include ghe racist prosecution and judge that will continue to uphold racism if the citizens continue to allow such injustice to occur without consequences.

Nathan Smith March 21, 2023 - 10:47 am

Whites did the same in Capone’s day. Where do you think they got all of this retaliatory madness from? Remember the “St. Valentine’s Day Massacre”???

no December 29, 2022 - 9:49 am

Wouldn’t be shocked if it was actually self defense. Kids in Columbus quite literally steal cars and shoot each other weekly.

Yes December 29, 2022 - 9:57 am

Tell me you’re a white supremacist without telling me you’re a white supremacist.

Lulu December 29, 2022 - 10:48 am


Charles Boyd Lee December 29, 2022 - 10:00 am

Trump pet – Piece of……

JC December 29, 2022 - 1:34 pm

What do you mean Trump Per? Donald Trump did more for the black community than this Kamala Harris and Barack Obama, what do you think Trump is racist or what?

AB December 29, 2022 - 2:16 pm


Tj December 30, 2022 - 12:24 am

Please inform what Trump did for black folk. I really like to know??

Feed up December 30, 2022 - 7:23 am

If it was self defense then it’s no reason to have left the scene, also the fact that he was a felon he was not supposed to have had a gun. That happens everywhere and it’s not just Columbus and it’s not just blacks


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